# Copyright 2023, Dr John A.R. Williams
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
"""pytest fixtures to support running C (mock) tests using mocking.
This set of fixtures assumes a single student C file, and a single mock test C file.
include path will be set to the cohort test directory, the build directory and the students
directory. A file "student.h" is written into build directory to include the students c file
in the mock test.
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Sequence, Union, List
import subprocess
from subprocess import run
import pytest
import pyam.cunit as cunit
import pyam.cohort
from pyam.config import CONFIG
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
def binary_name(student_c_file, mock_c_file) -> str:
"""*Fixture*: The binary executable name to use for compiled tests
- file will be created in build folder"""
return (mock_c_file or student_c_file).stem
def c_binary(student_c_file, mock_c_file, c_compile) -> Path:
"*Fixture*: Path to students executable under test (or None if a Mock test)"
if not mock_c_file:
return c_compile(source=student_c_file)
return None
def student_c_file() -> Union[str, Path]:
"*Fixture*: for the student C file currently under test. *Must be set in the test*."
def mock_c_file() -> Union[str, Path]:
"""*Fixture*: The mock code C file currently under test.
*Must be set in the test if using mocks*."""
def compile_flags() -> Sequence[str]:
"*Fixture*: A list of additional compile flags (style) to use across tests"
return [
"-funsigned-char", "-funsigned-bitfields", "-fpack-struct",
"-fshort-enums", "-Wall", "-std=gnu99"
def c_compile(student, test_path, build_path, mock_c_file, student_c_file,
binary_name, compile_flags, compiler):
"""*Fixture*: The compile function
The returned function takes the following arguments
declarations (Sequence[str]): The list of declarations (defines) to
be set for the compilation.
Typically only one will be set to select the test in the mock C file.
source (Union[Path,str]): source C file - defaults to mock_c_file or student_c_file
Path: Location of binary executable
cunit.CompilationError: (after printing captured io to stdout)
def _compile(declarations: Sequence[str] = (),
source: Union[Path, str] = mock_c_file or student_c_file):
return cunit.c_compile(build_path / binary_name,
include=[test_path, build_path, student.path],
return _compile
def c_exec(request, c_compile, c_binary):
"""*Fixture*: The exec function for this test suite which
will compile and execute the mock C tests.
Uses the timeout marker, and if set will stop student programm execution at that time.
The returned function takes the following arguments:
declarations (Sequence[str]):
The list of delcarations (defines) tobe set for the compilation.
Typically only one will be set to select the test in the mock C file.
binary Union[Path,str]: Path to binary.
If not specified source will be compiled first.
input: A string that will be fed to standard input or
a list of strings can be given - these will be joined with a newline character.
The stdout from the script as a string.
marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("timeout")
timeout = None if marker is None else marker.args[0]
def _exec(declarations: Sequence[str] = (),
binary: Union[Path, str] = c_binary,
input: Union[List[str], str] = "",
if binary is None:
binary = c_compile(declarations)
result = cunit.c_exec(binary, input=input, timeout=timeout)
if result.returncode != 0:
if print_cap:
print(result.stderr + result.stdout)
raise RuntimeError(result.stderr + result.stdout)
return _exec
def c_lint_checks() -> str:
"""*Fixture*: C -lint checks to apply. Overwwite in your test as required"""
return "performance-*,readability-*,portability-*"
def c_lint(student, test_path, build_path, c_lint_checks):
"""*Fixture*: A function to provide lint ouput on students C file
The returned function takes the following arguments:
source_file (Path): Path to C source file to be checked
man_warnings (int): Optionally maximum number of warning to accept before test
is considered a failure.
includes = [(lambda s: f"-I{s}")(s)
for s in (test_path, build_path, student.path)]
# pylint: disable=subprocess-run-check
def _c_lint(source_file, max_warnings=0):
result = run(("clang-tidy", student.path / source_file,
f"-checks={c_lint_checks}", "--quiet", "--", *includes),
if result.returncode == 0:
warning_count = int(result.stderr.split(" ")[0])
if warning_count < 10.0:
assert warning_count <= max_warnings, result.stderr
raise cunit.CompilationError(result.stdout + result.stderr)
return _c_lint
[docs]def pytest_collect_file(parent, path) -> List:
"""Hook into pytest
These are C files that start with test_ and
contain #DEFINE PYAM_TEST fileglob
definition where fileglob will match a students file
They may also contain a #DEFINE PYAM_LINT n,expr
definition to run a CLANG_TIDY test
Tests are recognised as symbols matching "TEST\_[A-Z0-9_\]+"
A test timeout may be specified using #DEFINE PYAM_TIMEOUT <float>
List of tuples of filepath and a list of tests declarations.
path = Path(path)
if path.suffix == ".c" and path.name.startswith("test_"):
text = path.read_text()
if re.search(r'#define\s+PYAM_TEST\s+\"(.*)\"', text):
return CTestFile.from_parent(parent=parent, path=path, text=text)
return None
[docs]class CTestFile(pytest.File):
A custom file handler class for C unit test files.
ctest_glob: The string from #define PYAM_TEST "glob" - glob to find student file
clint_threshold: Numeric threshold value from #define PYAM_LINT theshold,"checks"
clint_checks: Lint checks from #define PYAM_LINT threshold,"checks"
cflags: List of flags from PYAM_FLAGS to pass to compiler
link: List of link items to pass to compiler
timeout: timout in seconds specified using #DEFINE PYAM_TIMEOUT <float>
cohort: Student cohort under for test
student: student under test
test_file_path: first file in student directory matching glob
compile_file_path: path to the (students) file under test
re_ctest = re.compile(r'#define\s+PYAM_TEST\s+\"(.*)\"')
re_clint = re.compile(r'#define\s+PYAM_LINT\s+(\d+)?(,\"(.*)\")?')
re_timeout = re.compile(r'#define\s+PYAM_TIMEOUT\s+(.+)')
re_cflags = re.compile(r'#define\s+PYAM_CFLAGS\s+\"(.+)\"')
re_link = re.compile(r'#define\s+PYAM_LINK\s+\"(.+)\"')
# attributes from initialisation
text: str
ctest_glob: str
clint_threshold: int = None
clint_checks: str = "performance-*,readability-*,portability-*"
timeout = None
# attributes after configure
cohort: pyam.cohort.Cohort = None
student: pyam.cohort.Student = None
test_file_path: Path
compile_file_path: Path
cflags: List[str]
link: List[str]
[docs] @classmethod
def from_parent(cls, parent, *, fspath=None, path=None, text="", **kw):
self = super().from_parent(parent=parent,
self.text = text
self.ctest_glob = self.re_ctest.search(text).group(1)
match = self.re_clint.search(text)
if match:
if match.group(1):
self.clint_threshold = int(match.group(1))
self.clint_threshold = 999
if match.group(3):
self.clint_checks = match.group(3)
match = self.re_timeout.search(text)
if match:
self.timeout = float(match.group(1))
self.cflags = ["-Wall", "-std=gnu99"]
match = self.re_cflags.search(text)
if match:
self.cflags = match.group(1).split()
self.link = []
match = self.re_link.search(text)
if match:
self.link = match.group(1).split()
return self
[docs] def collect(self):
Overridden collect method to collect the results from each
C Mock unit test executable.
if self.ctest_glob:
for test in re.findall("TEST_[A-Z0-9_]+", self.text):
yield CTestItem.from_parent(name=test, parent=self)
if self.clint_threshold:
yield CLintItem.from_parent(name="STYLE", parent=self)
[docs] def includes(self):
"""The list of include paths to use during compilation"""
return (self.cohort.test_path, CONFIG.build_path, self.student.path)
[docs] def c_compile(self, item):
"""Compile the test for item - its name is set as a command line definition"""
return cunit.c_compile(binary=CONFIG.build_path /
except cunit.CompilationError as err:
raise err
[docs] def c_exec(self, item):
"""Execute the compiled binary for item."""
if not self.test_file_path:
raise FileNotFoundError
binary = self.c_compile(item)
result = cunit.c_exec(binary, timeout=self.timeout)
if result.returncode != 0:
raise cunit.RunTimeError(result.stderr + result.stdout)
[docs] def c_lint(self, item):
"""Use clang-tidy to lint the file"""
if not self.test_file_path:
raise FileNotFoundError
includes = [(lambda s: f"-I{s}")(s) for s in self.includes()]
# pylint: disable=subprocess-run-check
result = run(
("clang-tidy", self.test_file_path, f"-checks={self.clint_checks}",
"--quiet", "--", *includes),
if result.returncode != 0:
raise cunit.CompilationError(result.stdout + result.stderr)
count = int(result.stderr.split(" ")[0])
#If we set a threshold and are above it fail this test
if self.clint_threshold >= 0 and count > self.clint_threshold:
raise cunit.LintError(result.stdout)
#else if we have lint output print it out as diagnostic
if count > 0:
item.add_report_section("call", "CLINT", result.stdout[0:])
[docs]class CTestItem(pytest.Item):
"""Pytest.Item subclass to handle each test result item."""
[docs] def runtest(self):
"""Execute file"""
[docs] def repr_failure(self, excinfo, style=None):
"""Called when self.runtest() raises an exception."""
if isinstance(excinfo.value,
(cunit.RunTimeError, cunit.CompilationError)):
return excinfo.value.args[0]
if isinstance(excinfo.value, subprocess.TimeoutExpired):
return f"Time taken >{excinfo.value.args[1]}s"
if isinstance(excinfo.value, FileNotFoundError):
return f"File Not Found: {self.parent.ctest_glob}"
return super().repr_failure(excinfo, style)
[docs] def reportinfo(self):
"""Short Report info for a test item"""
stem = self.parent.path.stem
return stem, 0, stem + ":" + self.name
[docs]class CLintItem(pytest.Item):
"""Pytest.Item subclass to handle each test result item."""
[docs] def runtest(self):
"""Execute file"""
[docs] def repr_failure(self, excinfo, style=None):
"""Called when self.runtest() raises an exception."""
if isinstance(excinfo.value, cunit.LintError):
return excinfo.value.args[0]
if isinstance(excinfo.value, FileNotFoundError):
return f"File Not Found: {self.parent.ctest_glob}"
return super().repr_failure(excinfo, style)
[docs] def reportinfo(self):
"""Short Report info for a lint item"""
stem = self.parent.path.stem
return stem, 0, stem + ":" + self.name
[docs]def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items):
"""ENsure that if we have a test item that the file collector is configured"""
for item in items:
if isinstance(item, (CTestItem, CLintItem)):
except FileNotFoundError: