Source code for pyam.fixtures.python
# Copyright 2023, Dr John A.R. Williams
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Fixtures for testing students Python scripts and functions
import sys
import pytest
from subprocess import run
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
import importlib
import re
[docs]class PythonRunError(Exception):
"Base Python related errors"
[docs]class PythonStyleError(Exception):
"pylint Score too low"
def run_script(student,request):
"""*Fixture*: A function to run a students python script.
The function takes the following arguments
script (str): The nname of the script in the students directory.
stdin (Union[List[str],str]): A string that will be fed to standard input to the script. Alternatively
a list of strings can be given - these will be joined with a newline character.
PythonRunError: if script fails to run. Error will have stderr output from script execution.
The stdout from the script as a string.
marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("timeout")
timeout=10.0 if marker is None else marker.args[0]
def _run_script(script,stdin):
# pylint: disable=W1510
if not(isinstance(stdin,str)):
stdin="\n".join([str(a) for a in stdin])+"\n"
result = run([sys.executable,student.path/script],capture_output=True,timeout=timeout,text=True,input=stdin)
if result.returncode !=0:
raise PythonRunError(result.stderr)
return result.stdout.strip()
return _run_script
def module_name(student):
"""*Fixture*: Module name under students directory to load for a test. **Must be set in the test**"""
def student_module(student,module_name):
"""*Fixture*: Returns the student module instance from the :func:`module_name` in the students directory."""
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, student.path / (module_name+".py"))
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
return module
[docs]def python_lint(python_file: Path, score_threshold: int):
"""Run pylint on sudents code.
python_file: the path to the file to be checked
score_threshold: the minimum thresold (/10) for the code to past this test.
PythonRunError: If pylint returns a Fatal or Error return code
PythonStyleError: If they do nor meet the minimum threshold.
# pylint: disable=W1510
result = run(("pylint", python_file), capture_output=True, text=True)
if ((result.returncode & 1) | (result.returncode & 2)): # Fatal or Error Python return codes
raise PythonRunError(result.stdout+result.stderr)
if score<10.0:
if score<score_threshold:
raise PythonStyleError(f"Code Rating of {score} lower than {score_threshold}")