Installing pyAutoMark


pyAutoMark is written in Python and supports Python 3.8+. It is built upon the pytest unit testing framework, openpyxl for reading and writing xlsx files and uses the pytest-timeout plugin for pytest.


Python is distributed as a Python package and should work on most platforms that support Python. It has been tested on Both Windows 10 and Ubuntu

pyAutoMark is published on the Python Package Index. The preferred tool for installing packages from PyPI is pip. This tool is provided with all modern versions of Python.

On Linux or MacOS, you should open your terminal and run the following command.

$ pip install pyAutoMark

On Windows, you should open Command Prompt or PowerShell (⊞Win-r and type cmd) and run the same command.

C:\> pip install pyAutoMark

Installation from source

You can install Sphinx directly from a clone of the Git repository.

This can be done either by cloning the repo and installing from the local clone

$ git clone
$ cd pyAutoMark
$ pip install .

or by simply installing directly via git.

$ pip install