Quick Start¶
pyAutoMark is an integrated tool to help with the automatic marking of electronically submitted students work. It can automate the retrieval or extraction of student work into directories, the collection and running of unit tests for each student using the pytest framework to produce reports that can be used for feedback, the summarising of these reports into a marking spreadsheet for each student and finally the collection of those marks into a csv file.
This document proivdes a quick summary of how to carry out these tasks.
Once installed, pyAutoMark provides a console command pyam which is used to carry out the various tasks. You can type
$ pyam --help
to get the list of commands that are available
$ pyam <cmd> --help
to get help on a particular command.
The directory structure¶
pyAutoMark works within a directory structure as shown below. There is a root directory
which contains a configuration file pyAutoMark.json
which can be used to provided details
of your institution, department etc and configure many aspects of how pyAutoMark operates. puAutoMark operates on a
cohort which is a particular set of students doing a particular assignment.
pyAutoMark comes with a command pyam init which sets up thisroot directory and configuration values from a few questions it asks you. TO use this, run:
$ pyam init
Setting up a cohort¶
pyAutoMark needs two files providing information about the students in a cohort and the expected mainifest files.
The student list should be provided as a csv file with, as a minimum, columns for the students “Last Name”, “First Name”, “Username” and “Student ID”. Below is an example of a csv which was directly dowloaded from the Blackboard VLE gradecentre. It has the required information plus some extra headers which will be ignored. The students.csv file may be updated by some operations of pyAutoMark, for example a “Submission Date” field may be added if this can be determined from the student submission, either from the last commit time to a github repositiory or from the submisison dowload filenames from Blackboard.
Last Name |
First Name |
Username |
Student ID |
Last Access |
Availability |
Github Username |
Genius |
Coyote |
solution |
0 |
2023-02-03 00::15:38 |
Yes |
wiley1 |
McTestFace |
Testy |
test |
1 |
2023-02-03 00::15:38 |
Yes |
testy1 |
For this example I have added a “Github Username” field which would be the students username on github if you are using Github Classroom with these students.
The second file which is needed for each cohort a json file with other information specific for this cohort. At a minimum it must at least contain a “files” section listing the files the students are expected to submit, and a description of that file as shown below e.g.
"files": {
{"description": "Description of design vhdl file"},
{"description": "Results waveform file descritpion"}
"assessment": { "name": "Assessment Title" },
"github": {
"template": "my-practical",
"url": "https://github.com/my-organisation/"
Other information that may vary for each cohort may be provided here such as the name and email address of the assessor, and assessment name and details to retrieve student work from github as shown above.
Setting up the tests¶
You will also need to setup and write the tests which you want to apply fopr each cohort.
These are stored in a folder with the same name as the cohort in the tests directory. pyAutoMark runs
pytest to execute the set of tests in this folder for each student in the cohort,
collecting the output into a text file in the reports subdirectory.
It provides fixtures for your pytest
which are detailed in the pyam.fixtures.common
Please read the pytest documentation for full details on how to write tests.
There are additional fixtures available to help with different types of tests - see pyam.fixtures
for the complete list.
The most useful fixtures which you may use in your tests are pyam.fixtures.common.student
which refers to the pyam.cohort.Student
object you can use to refer to or find files for the current student, pyam.fixtures.common.test_path()
which is the path to the directory in which the test files are kept
and pyam.fixtures.common.build_path
which is the path
you can use for any temporary files generated during the test.
Retrieving the students work¶
Student submissions should be held in subdirectories of the cohort
subdirectory and named by the student username.
It you are using github classroom (recommended) and have configured the github details for the cohort then the command
$ pyam retrieve
will clone or pull the students work from their assignment repositories.
If you have downloaded the students work from a Blackboard assignment then the command
$ pyam extract --files ...
will parse the information in the given set of files and copy them into a directory for each student. If the students have submitted archives (such as zip or tar.gz files) then the files will be extracted from the archives.
In both the above cases the student submission date will be added to the students.csv
file. You can query the
state of students with the command
$ pyam cohort --list-students
Running the tests¶
The command
$ pyam run
will execute all of the tests for each student and save the output from pytest into report files in the reports/cohort`
subdirectory. These will all be given a prefix (which can be specified with the –prefix argument) - it defaults to “report_”.
These files can be sent to students as feedback - they will be particularly useful if you have given your tests meaningful names,
and print any diagnostics mesages printed out by you test will be included in the reports.
Generating the mark spreadsheets¶
You will often want to use the results of these tests to provide all or part of the mark for the students. To assist with this the results from the reports can be copied into a marking spreadsheet. The first step is to generate a template spreadhseet which will then be filled in for each student.
The command
$ pyam generate-template
will produce a template spreadsheet for you in the reports/cohort subfolder
(with the specified filenanme prefix).
This template will have have the test names and a result cell as a named reference which will be automatically filled in at the mark stage.
The Named cell references for each test which will be marked as either “PASSED” or “FAILED”
from the pytest report file. The generate template is intended as a starting point for you to modify with your
own marking shceme which might, for example, include manual entered evaluation, and provided a weighting for each test result.
Once you are happy with your marking sheet type the command
$ pyam mark
And a marking spreadsheet will be produced for each student in the reports/cohort subfolder
(with the specified filename prefix). You can then add in you manual elements
And finally - collating the marks¶
The command
$ pyam write-csv --csv-files ....
will read the marks from the finished marked spreadshsset for each student and entern them into the given speadsheet csv files.